may be the perfect time to try it out. Get a sleeping bag that is warm enough. This is important. Even if you go camping in the summertime, nights can get very cold out in the wild. There are sleeping bags promising protection from varying cold temperatures; it is a good idea to opt for as low a temperature protection as you can find in your sleeping bag.
If you have the time, try different settings on the camera such as shutter speed to see what works the best for you. You can capture moments that happen in a blip or blur larger time periods together, this latter tip works well with flowing water. The quicker the subject of your photo is moving, the faster your shutter speed needs to be and vice versa. And of course, if you are trying night time photography, you will need to keep your shutter open for long periods. You can get amazing shots like this.
Listed Price: $385.00
Get closer to what matters 40x optical zoom, 80x Dynamic Fine Zoom Few shots are too far away for the COOLPIX B500’s NIKKOR ED glass lens. 40x optical zoom gives you super telephoto power, then Dynami…Read more…