I need camping gear

Wanna go camping, need some stuff!

Tag: survival

Military Canteen Insulated Carrier Shoulder

A canteen is a vital piece of equipment for keeping water always available. A supply of clean drinking water is essential.
Listed Price: $19.25

The canteen is 2 Quart, Army Issue, and OD Green. The Pouch is a Desert Color Tan, is brand with carry sling. Military issue 2 Quart Collapsible Water Canteen and Carry Pouch / Cover with Adjustable S… Read more…

Northbound Train First Aid Kit

A first aid system is a crucial item of equipment for taking camping. It ought to contain a first-aid manual and a selection of items, such as bandages, germ killing liquid, cotton swabs as well as medical tape. If you cannot select one you like, you can always make your own by buying items separately.
Listed Price: $44.97
Sale Price: $24.97

Be Prepared for Any Adventure or Mishap with Northbound’s Ultra-Versatile and Durable First Aid Kit. Whether hitting the trail or going to the office, be safe every time. Enjoy knowing a first aid kit… Read more…

Small First Aid Kit Piece

Be certain that you’re prepared for almost any health crisis when camping out by creating or purchasing a emergency first aid kit with the type of gear and medication you believe you will need. If you are camping with children, it might be useful to take fever reducing medicine and a thermometer. Also make sure you take any normal medicines as well as allergy medicines you may need.
Listed Price: $35.00
Sale Price: $14.99

Discover How This Ultra-Light But Tough First-Aid Kit Can Give You And Your Family The Ultimate Peace Of Mind. WHY THIS KIT? – Small and lightweight so you can carry it with you anywhere you go, or …Read more…

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